Extracurricular Opportunities
School Play
Join us for our annual Alpine Vista production in the Spring! More information to come!
Poetry & Prose Festivals
The purpose of Poetry & Prose festivals is to encourage and applaud students for learning new poetry and practicing their presentation skills. It is our hope that students leave with a better understanding of how they can improve their performances and techniques, but it is our main goal to have each student appreciate and enjoy the art of Oral Interpretation.
TCSD Poetry & Prose Festival
Students recite poetry to an audience and our facilitator representatives who consist of TCSD Board Members, Principals, Vice Principals, RTI teachers, and some community members. Students are given certificates of participation and feedback on their performances from our facilitator representatives.
TCOE Poetry & Prose Festival
Students present poetry to an audience and judges at this county-wide oral interpretation event. Oral and written assessments are offered to each student, along with personalized certificates denoting their rank of Superior, Excellent, Very Good and Good.
Tulare County Spelling Championship
The Tulare County Office of Education hosts a yearly Spelling Bee Championship normally held at the Visalia Convention Center. Students in grades 4-8 face off in a public, oral spelling competition. Schools hold their own spelling bees and select two students to attend the county-wide championship. The county champion has the opportunity to go on to the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.
Math Super Bowl
Participants compete in three events:
• Power Bowl - Students will work independently to solve 35 multiple-choice problems in a 40-minute period. All test materials will be furnished, including pencils and scratch paper. There is no penalty for guessing. Individual trophies will be given to the top five students in each category. Top scorers from each school will be recognized with a Power Bowl Individual Honors Ribbon.
• Pro Bowl - Students will be divided into teams of five students from different schools. They will be given one open-ended problem to solve in a 45-minute period. The Pro Bowl will be evaluated on the thoroughness and accuracy of the answer. The problem will be scored by a committee of judges. Judges will look for natural breaks in the distribution of scores. Those in the first break will receive Superior ribbons, the next break will receive Excellent ribbons.
• Team Bowl - Students will compete in teams of five from their own school. Each team will be required to complete 20 multiple-step problems in a 40-minute period. Judges will look for natural breaks in the distribution of scores. Those in the first break will receive Superior ribbons and the next break will receive Excellent ribbons.
District Track Meet
List of Events:
Softball Throw – 4th, 5th, 6th
Standing Long Jump – 4th, 5th, 6th
50 Meter Dash – 4th, 5th
75 Meter Dash – 4th, 5th, 6th
100 Meter Dash – 6th
200 Meter Relay – 4th, 5th, 6th
400 Meter Relay – 4th, 5th, 6th
800 Meter Run – 4th, 5th, 6th
Community and Student Resources